Hull Homecare is a Healthcare provider specifically dedicated to providing Care and Support Workers and Personal Assistants to Homecare and Supported Living clients as well as providing Care Workers to the Social Services in Hull and East Riding.
From our regional offices in Hull, Hull Home Care provides a vital support service, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Registered with The Care Quality Commission we are fully compliant with the Domiciliary Care Agencies Regulation and Domiciliary Care National Minimum Standards.
Hull Home Care works closely with the employment law and health and safety advisors who ensure all our policies, procedures and regulations are compliant and regulated to the highest standards.
Aims and Objectives of Hull Home Care
To provide person centred, individualised services to vulnerable people who may need care and support. The services we aim to provide will be responsive, and of the highest standard to meet the needs of people we care for.
Service Provisions Provided
- Dementia
- Eating Disorders
- Learning Disabilities –( Sole supply to Avocet Trust and 5 Senses Day Care Centre)
- Mental Health Conditions
- Physical Disabilities
- Sensory Impairment
- Substance Misuse
- Problems Caring for adults over the age and under the age of 65yrs
- End of Life Care
Hull Home Care have a minimum 4hr call policy and welcome all enquires.
Healthcare today is a demanding and diverse discipline with rigorous rules and regulations. We are therefore committed to develop innovative solutions to the Healthcare community’s standards of care.
By balancing the needs of service users / care providers and the flexible working requirements of our staff we ensure all care provided is individualistic and person centred.
By providing a reliable service and reliable staff Hull Home Care makes certain that these fundamental criteria are always and unconditionally fulfilled.
To encourage service users and their advocates to seek help if they are unhappy or dissatisfied with any aspect of the care or service provided.